And art phenomena sometimes, even a theme camp
The Art of Such n Such is always a collaborative art experiment. over 20 years of national and international visions to create art spaces that act as a home, a NEST EGG, and as art support for the art of “Charlie Blackcat Smith and friends". We enjoy creating a spectacle out on the playa. Our style is participatory breaking the boundaries between the art, the artists, and the participants who enter the spaces created. We love working together sharing our ideas and innovations while having fun and instigating interactions. We push art to another level reaching for more of what’s out there in this wild and crazy world! So make contact to see and be a part of our collaborative playground.
“The Art of Such n Such” &”Sparseland” are old school camps that have been on & off the Esplanade for years (since 2001). We usually consist of a population of no less than 45 - and up to no more than 79 artists from all over the USA & world. This past 2018 year we were located in the 4:30 Sector. For 2019 will be a working theme camp that will be servicing the art projects and engaging the community at large. We have a reputation as an edgy, highly interactive theme camp. This year we will focus energy and Artists to finely tune and tweak the interactivity of the Art of Such n Such is a mobile art organism that adapts to any situation presenting a cutting edge art experience. Please contact us if you have questions about the nature of what we can do!
interactive frontage
this is a shot from dawn 2016 as the sun came up and we were still interactively at it with our art frontage! 4:20 esp
Image of Ass Camp 2017 4:30 sector
camp frontage
we will be an art support camp servicing and acting as a nest for the Uncle Charlie's red hot cock honorarium project this year.
Bad Advice and heckling camp frontage
Past years "ASS camp" has been an interactive expression that has bad advise, peep shows, and a self serve paternity testing. shot from 2015 ass camp 4:30 esp